Perhaps because of I love this job! ^_^
By the way, if my program continues without big problems I could start animating this week... Yeeehhhh.... ^_^
Actually, the set is ready... Just only a few little thigs are in want... details like the curtains, that some people tell me were horrible (and they were!), and the cover (spoon, knife, and fork), etc... 
Today I also made some blue screen test, because I think I'll use it out of the window. Because of this I done a project in AfterEffects... I didn't imagine how much important this color could be for animators until today... ^_^ (I already used bluescreen in the past but this experiment tought me a lot of new info... so, satisfation!)
Now, for tomorrow I wish to finish the set and Boris, the character... I'll prepare a storyboard of little actions (to become experienced of Boris and of the new tecnique...) and the FoglioMacchina (I don't remember how it's called in English, sorry...).
See you soon!
Rouge ^_^
P.S. In the future I'll try to write only in English, ok? But I'm not very skilled in English so, gentle English-speaker people, be patient for my mistakes, ok? Thanks a lot! ^_^